Development of Simplest Pico-wind Turbine Electric Generator for Households on the Beach

  • Ar-esor Esor
  • Sitong Jintara
  • Eleeyah Saniso
Keywords: electrical generation, wind power, washing machine motor


This research is to design and develop simplest pico-wind turbine electric generator for households on the beach, which is application of 1000 W washing machine motor (TOSHIBA S-DD inverter direct drive) for electric generator with 60 cm of PVC pipe length for blades. The pico-wind turbine electric generator was analyzed by relations of motor speed, current, voltage and power output. The results show that the simplest pico-wind turbine electric generator can be produced of the voltage, current and power were 125 V, 142.1 mA and 17.8 W, respectively at the washing machine motor speed and wind speed ware 485 rpm and 5.58 m/s, respectively. Furthermore, the pico-wind turbine electric generator can be easy invented, low cost and it can be controlled by people for households on the beach.
