Propagation of Gymnocalycium Damsii by Tissue Culture Techniques

  • Chattrarika Rittirong
  • Sujira Kiriphet
  • Phakarat Rodduang
  • Supawadi Rammasuit
Keywords: Gymnocalycium Damsii, Naphthaleneacetic (NAA), Benzylaminopurina (BA), plant tissue culture


This research Study was to investigate the effect of medium on cactus survival and growth of Gymnocalycium Damsii by organogenesis. In vitro of Gymnocalycium Damsii on MS medium supplemented with Naphthaleneacetic (NAA) concentrations 0-4 mg/l and Benzylaminopurine (BA) concentrations 0-4 mg/l. After culture for 4 weeks, the cactus was cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA concentrations 4.0 mg/l resulted the highest survival rate was 100 percent, with BA concentration 1.0 and 4.0 mg/l resulted the highest shoot induction average is 0.70 shoots per piece and with NAA concentrations 4.0 mg/l resulted the highest root induction average is 21.70 roots per piece.
